Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation. Oct 25, 2, Keeping the "can it run Crysis" alive.Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Create an account.

Oct 26, 3, Man, Youtube Encoding does a fucking number on this video. Another profound limitation is that because Reshade only has access to depth and colour information, it can only make educated guesses on where light is coming from and how it should be traced.

Again, the video reveals a range of scenarios where this can break the effect. The biggest is that Reshade's access to in-game data is limited to screen space, meaning that anything you don't see on-screen won't be ray traced. The Reshade RT filter is still deep in development though Reshade Patreon supporters can access the latest alphas right now and there are a number of limitations to factor in. Take a look at the video below and you'll see a number of A to B comparisons that reveal a stark difference. I can't watch the video just now, is it proper ray tracing? Reshade beams out three rays per pixel in calculating shade and light bounce - giving a new layer of accuracy and depth to the way the scene is lit. In the Minecraft thread I was dreaming of a raytracing GI injector type solution, thinking it wouldn't be possible, and it's real. Dec 10, 2, Crysis with path traced ray-tracing? What more can you ask for? Jan 7, Greebman Member. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.