The Ningheim race - I have released a patch for the different eye mesh that the Ningheim race uses. Other vampire overhaul mods that stick to a four stage system, such as Vampire Upgrade by undomir Male beards seem to have clipping issues with this mod)īVFE - Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes by Aipex8 (The eyes in this mod will take precedence over BVFE if enabled)

Vampire Face Less Sunken Cheeks by Devacore (For females or males with no beards. Predator Vision - Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit by Gopher The mod doesn't modify any vanilla assets so it shouldn't matter where it is in the load order, but I recommend having it load after any other vampire mods. Install with NMM or unzip the enclosed files to your data folder and make sure the mod is checked. The mod is fully customizable through the MCM, allowing you to choose which of the above changes you'll see.